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Pat Williams

Senior VP of the Orlando Magic

Travels From :   FL


Leadership Management Inspiration Motivation Empowerment Attitude Team Building Peak Performance Success Quality Youth Best-Selling Author Life and Work Bal... Athletes / Sports Magician

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  Pat Williams Profile

Pat Williams is a basketball Hall-of-Famer, currently serving as co-founder and senior vice president of the NBA's Orlando Magic. As one of America's top motivational, inspirational, and humorous speakers, he has addressed thousands of executives in organizations ranging from Fortune 500 companies and national associations to universities and nonprofits.

Clients include AllState, American Express, Citrix, Coca-Cola, Deloitte, Disney, Honeywell, IBM, ING, Lockheed Martin, Nike, Millennium Pharmaceuticals and Tyson Foods to name a few. Pat is also the author of over 100 books, his most recent title highlighting the secrets to peak performance in Extreme Winning.

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  Pat Williams Talk Titles


Leadership Management Inspiration Motivation Empowerment Attitude Team Building Peak Performance Success Quality Youth Best-Selling Author Life and Work Bal... Athletes / Sports Magician

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