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Brian D. Biro

America's Breakthrough Coach!

Speaker's Fee Range : $10,000 - $20,000
Travels From :   NC


Leadership Management Inspiration Motivation Empowerment Attitude Team Building Communication Success Best-Selling Author Change

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  Brian D. Biro Profile

Brian Biro is America's Breakthrough Speaker! He is one of the nation's foremost speakers and teachers of Leadership, Possibility Thinking, Thriving on Change, and Team-Building. He has delivered more than 1,800 presentations around the world in the last thirty years.

His clients include such diverse organizations as Lockheed Martin (97 events!), the US Army, The Naval Information Warfare Center, PriceWaterhouseCoopers (41 events) the University of Notre Dame, UCLA, the North Carolina Association for the Advancement of Teaching, senators and representatives from thirteen western states, Deloitte, Salix, Goodyear, the Virginia School Superintendents, Kaiser Permanente (65 events), Starbucks (35 events), Pizza Hut (31 events) , IHOP, Microsoft (43 events) , Oracle, Cisco, McDonalds, Dairy Queen, Allstate Insurance, Good Samaritan Hospital, RE/MAX, Shaklee, the American Rental Association and hundreds more.

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  Brian D. Biro Talk Titles

The ROI Of Kindness:


Leadership Management Inspiration Motivation Empowerment Attitude Team Building Communication Success Best-Selling Author Change

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